How It Really Feels to be the Fun Aunt.

Being an aunt comes as a second nature to me. Instead of younger siblings, I've had nephews and nieces since I was five years old. Naturally, I assumed the position of 'fun aunt' because there really isn't another option when you're that close in age. I don't have the responsibilities (husbands, children, big girl jobs) that my sisters/sister-in-laws do, so essentially I am a shoe-in for the title. That being said, I haven't treated my position lightly in the manner of accepting the lack of competition and thus letting my performance sink to mediocre. Instead, I've adopted the motto of packing in as much fun as possible while I'm still young and free.

This means I've spent many, many hours planning and executing 'Aunt Alesha Adventures.' #alliteration. These activities span from canyon trips, excursions to the wood park, and ice cream runs to jello fights, Chuck E. Cheese's, and museums of all sorts (including, but not limited to, taxidermy). This does not include our home-bound surprises such as making + decorating sugar cookies, karaoke, dance parties, sliding down the stairs, barbies, baby dolls, nerf gun wars, Hi Ho Cherri-O, kitty cat, blah, blah, blah. Sometimes being the sole person who doesn't want to listen to the Phineas and Ferb soundtrack in the car or build the princess puzzle AGAIN is a little bit frustrating, however it is definitely worth it. I would pick the ball off of the floor for the thousandth time and change the Polly Pocket's outfits eternally if they asked me to (and to be honest, it has been known to happen), because to be 100% real, being the fun Aunt is exhaustingly worth it.

There is an endless joy that comes from truly bonding with your nieces and nephews. I am happy to tell anyone about my number ones if they'll listen. As cheesy as it is, they've helped shape me into who I am today more than I've influenced them (and I've helped them learn to read, tie their shoes, go potty in the get the idea).

So, if you have the chance to be the fun Aunt, do it. It's the funnest job title to possess.

As always, 

P.S. You may not care to see, but you had to know the pictures were coming.


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