I Thought the P was an F, So They Gave Me These.

For years I’ve known that glasses were going to be a thing in my life because they adorn the faces of all of my immediate and extended family members. I’ve fought valiantly (and admittedly quite stubbornly) to remain the only two-eyed member of the Hatch/Mack clan. Alas, sometimes genes cannot be beat.  After months of squinting at power points and annoyingly asking my classmates, “what does that say?” I chose to be an adult and make an appointment with the family optometrist.

Thankfully, the lady giving the eye test was kind – she didn’t even laugh when I guessed, “that’s a C….well, maybe a G” and “I actually have no clue what that one is.” The doctor flipped the various lenses and next thing I knew I was frame shopping. Normally I consider myself a grounded person, but I would be lying if I said that I was cool, calm, and collected during this process. These glasses are going to be a relatively permanent feature on my face and apparently that is something to freak out about. Eventually I found a pair that was the lesser of the evils and now I’m part of the cool kid club. When I say 'cool kid club,' what I mean is if you’re the kid who can’t read the power point in class, I'm the person you can ask because I can see clearly now -- and let me tell you, seeing is all it is cracked up to be folks.

(Cheers for the inaugural glasses picture -- and (duh) cheers for Vocal Point + my roomies!!!) 

P.S. I wouldn’t be mad if you said I looked cool in my glasses, because identity crisis, ya know?

As Always,



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